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Netaji Subhas Open University [NSOU]: Kolkata

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Netaji Subhas Open University

Kolkata, West Bengal
Schedule of Ph.D. Coursework Examination of Physics, session 2022-23
Date: 24 Mar 2025

Ph.D. Coursework Eamination of Physics

It is hereby notified that the Ph.D. Coursework Examination of Physics of the session 2022-23 will be held as per the following schedule at SoSc, Kalyani Campus.

Sl. No. Subject/Paper Date Time
1. Paper-1A (Research Methodology and Review of Lifetime) 07/04/2025 12:00 Noon to 01:30 P.M.
2. Paper-1B (Research and Publication Ethics) 07/04/2025 02:30 P.M. to 04:00 P.M.
3. Paper-2A (Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics) 08/04/2025 12:00 Noon to 01:30 P.M.
4. Paper-2B (Unit-1, Unit-2, Unit-10) 08/04/2025 02:30 P.M. to 04:00 P.M.
All the enrolled students are hereby informed to appear in the said examination which is mandatory.

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