Notification No. CSR/15/2025
It is notified for information of all concerned that in terms of the provisions of Section 54 of the Calcutta University Act, 1979, (as amended), and, in the exercise of her powers under 9(6) of the said Act, the Vice-Chancellor has, by an order dated 04.03.2025, approved the following amendments pertaining to Admission Regulations and Syllabus of B.B.A. :
Clause no. 7.c. (iv)
Previously it was written as: MIL - (Bengali Literature / Hindi Literature / Urdu Literature)
After incorporating amendments, it shall be read as:
Alternative English / MIL - (Bengali Literature / Hindi Literature / Urdu Literature)
Afier incorporating amendments, it shall be read as:
Semester -3 (sl. no. 5): Alternative English / MIL-1 (Bengali Literature / Hindi Literature/ Urdu Literature)- common for all U.G. programme.
Semester-4 (sl. No.5): Alternative English / MIL-2 (Bengali Literature / Hindi Literature/ Urdu Literature)- common for all U.G. programme.