All persons concerned are being informed that for Master of Business Administration (MBA) Term-End Examination, June 2024 (Sem-I), the examinee concerned can download their "Admit Card" Online from / on & from 19/03/2025 starting at 02:00 P.M. it may please be noted that no hard copy of "Admit Card" will be distributed from the study centres concerned. It is mandatory for an examinee to download and preserve HARD COPY of the "Admit Card". If the portal shows "invalid student", then the reason is the duly filled in examination form has not been submitted in time / it may be for non-submission of assignment by the examinees concerned.
Examinees will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without "Admit Card" along with the original "Enrolment Certificate cum Identity Card".
Examinees are requested not to share any information, which have been written in the "Admit Card" and "Enrolment Certificate cum Identity Card".
For update information regarding above mentioned examination, examinees concerned are requested to follow the website of NSOU regularly.
For any assistance examinee may contact at the
Helpline No.: +91 98303 38974 (11:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M.)