Applications are invited for admission to the Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Applied Mathematics. Candidates willing to pursue research work leading subsequently to the Ph.D. (Sc.) degree in Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta, should apply in plain paper in the format available in Calcutta University Web Site to the Head of the Department, after making payment of application fee (non-refundable) of Rs. 100/- (Rs. One hundred only) online throug SBI collect (URLs: or at the University Cash Counter through a challan available from the University Sales Counter at the C.U. College Street Campus.
The eligible candidates will have to appear at a written examination (offline mode) to be held in the Department of Applied Mathematics, the details of which is appended below. Successful candidates will have to appear for a viva-voce / counselling. The final selection for joining the Ph.D. Programme of this Department, along with the allocation of supervisor, will be made on the basis of this viva voce / counselling.
The candidates who have already qualified UGC-CSIR (JRF) Examinations; NET / SET / SLET / GATE / or have obtained DST INSPIRE Fellowship / Teacher fellowship or have passed equivalent examinations or passed M. Phil / M. Tech / M.D / M.E. / M. Pharma or equivalent examination shall not be required to appear at the Ph.D entrance test.
Full Marks for written Examination: 100 (50 MCQ and 50 Short type).
Qualifying marks: 50 out of 100 for general candidates; For SC/ST candidates and OBC candidates as per rule.
Syllabus: Same as M. Sc. CBCC Syllabus of the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta.