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University of Calcutta [CU]: Kolkata

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University of Calcutta

Kolkata, West Bengal
Admission to Ph.D. in Psychology 2024
Date: 24 Dec 2024

Applications are invited for admission to the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta (UCSTA, 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata - 700009) for Ph.D. programme in Psychology, following the Regulation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2016, University of Calcutta ( The number of vacant seats are not more than 10 (ten), (Reservation Policy of West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions – Reservation in Admissions rules, 2013 applicable). Candidates who wish to pursue research work in the Department should apply in the prescribed application form by paying Rs. 100.00/- through a challan. Duly filled application form must reach the office of the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta within 04/02/2025. Candidates should attach self-attested copies of certificates and mark sheets of Masters degree, in Psychology / Applied Psychology, NET/SET/GATE (In Psychology) certificate, age and address proof certificate, caste certificate (if applicable) etc. along with duly filled application form.

The interview will be held on 10.02.2025, 11.02.2025 and 12.02.2025.
The details of the timing and exact date of the interview will be notified via e-mail.

Click here to Download the Notice and Application Form for Admission Test

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