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Vidyasagar University [VU]: Medinipur

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Vidyasagar University

Medinipur, West Bengal
Admission Notification of CCAE Certificate/Diploma Courses
Date: 05 Mar 2025

Admission Notification

Applications are invited for the provisional admission to the following Diploma/Certificate Courses at the Centre for Continuing and Adult Education (CCAE), Vidyasagar University. All the Courses offered by CCAE are open to all but specially for working personnel of Government/Bank/NGO/Media Houses, Teachers and students of different levels in different institutions. Application Forms (Form A) can be downloaded from the university website (

Filled in Application Form along with Payment Document (Application Fees of Rs. 200/- and Course Fees in full (non refundable)) should be submitted to the office of the Centre for Continuing and Adult Education, 1st Floor of Pandit Ravi Sankar Bhavan, near Gate No-1, Vidyasagar University, Pin - 721 102 on all working days between 11:00 A.M. to 02:00 P.M. OR SCANNED COPY of filled in application form along with Payment Document (Application Fees of Rs. 200/- and Course Fees in full (non refundable)) is to be sent at

Last date of submission of Application Form: 02/04/2025

Download Notification and Application Form for Admission

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