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Central Board of Secondary Education

CBSE Allows Flexibility for Class 12 Hindi Exam

Central Board of Secondary Education

CBSE Allows Flexibility for Class 12 Hindi Exam
Special Exam Option Provided for Students Affected by Holi

CBSE Allows Flexibility for Class 12 Hindi Exam Amid Holi Celebrations

In a significant move, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) had earlier announced the date sheet for board examinations three months in advance to help students plan their studies efficiently. As per the schedule, the Class 12 Hindi Core (302) and Hindi Elective (002) exams are set to take place on March 15, 2025.

However, CBSE has acknowledged concerns regarding the Holi festival, which will be celebrated on March 14, 2025, in most parts of the country. In some regions, the celebrations may extend to March 15, 2025, posing difficulties for students appearing for the exam on that day.

To address this, CBSE has decided that while the exam will proceed as scheduled on March 15, students facing challenges in attending it may opt out. Such students will be given a second opportunity to appear for the exam alongside those taking a special examination, typically conducted for students participating in national or international sports events.

All CBSE-affiliated schools have been requested to inform Class 12 students about this provision to ensure they can make an informed decision regarding their examination.

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