Calcutta University: Notice for post-publication re-examination/review and/or F.S.I.

Notice for post-publication re-examination/review and/or F.S.I.

Notice for post-publication re-examination/review and/or F.S.I.

It is notified that the syslem of On-line submission of application for post-publication re-examination / review and / or self-inspection of evaluated answer script(s) / (F.S.l) for Four / Three Year B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. Semester - I Examinations, 2023 (under CCF, 2022) and Four Year B.A. / B.Sc. Semester - I (Voc.) Examinations 2023 (Under CCF, 2022) will be open as per following schedule:

Schedule and duration of activities

Activity Duration
a) On-line application form submission of the same (generated after on-line application) with requisite fees by the candidates to College 18.07.2024
b) Online rectification of review / F.S.I Application and Confirmation of candidates' enrollment by the college 18.07.2024
c) Deposition of fees through SBI COLLECT by the college 18.07.2024
d) Last date of sending candidates' approved list duly signed by the Principal/T.I.C. through email. (mail to: by the college authority, along with Challan receipt of fees. 07.08.2024

No hard copies are entertained.

Calcutta Univ. Notices 2024
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