Calcutta University: Admission to the Ph.D. program in Philosophy 2024

Admission to the Ph.D. program in Philosophy 2024

Applications are invited for admission to the Ph.D. program in Philosophy 2024

Applications are invited for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Calcutta, 1, Reformatory Street, Kolkata-27. Candidates should apply in the prescribed proforma ( by paying Rs. 100/- online SBI payment ( SBI Collect --’ payment for miscellaneous fees’ application for admission to Ph.D.). The eligible candidates will have to appear for a written examination of two hours duration to be held in this Department. The list of successful candidates (written examination) will be displayed on the Notice Board of the Department. Candidates will have to appear for an interview. The final selection for joining this programme will be made on the basis of the interview.

The allocation of supervisors will be on the basis of this interview. Those candidates who have already passed UGC I CSIR (JRF) Examinations / NET SET / SLET IM.Phil (Philosophy) / Teacher Fellowship or equivalent examinations need not appear at the written examination and can directly apply to appear at the interview.

Important Information :

  • Entrance test (50 marks) will comprise the following:
    • Questions on any topic (30 marks) (from a wide choice of topics in the following areas: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Wittgenstein, Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, Social & Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Kant, Aristotle (Metaphysics, Ethics & Politics), Phenomenology & Existentialism, Philosophy of Language (Indian and Western), Classical and Contemporary Western Philosophy, Classical and Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Nyaya-Vaisesika, Vedanta, Comparative Religion, Logic).
    • Comprehension (20 marks).
  • Interview (50 marks).
  • No. of Seats: 9 (UR-5, SC-2, OBC-A-1, OBC-B-1)
    [Reservation in admission shall strictly abide by the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2013.]
    [Specified areas of Research Work: Ethics (Contemporary), Socio-Economic Ethics, Ethico-Political Thought, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Kalidas Bhattacharyya, Nyaya-Vaisesika Darsana, Applied Ethics
  • Date of advertisement 22.07.2024.
  • Last date for submission of application forms to the Department (in hard copy physically) on 22.08.2024.
  • Lists of candidates eligible to appear for the direct interview & written test will be put up on 29.08.2024. (The list will be displayed in the Department and the University website).
  • Written Examination on 11.09.2024. (Time: 12 noon to 2 p.m.)
  • List of candidates who have qualified in the writtern test and are eligible for the interview will be put up on 18.09.2024.
  • Interview will be held on 30.09.2024 and 01.10.2024 (if required) from 11.30 am onwards.
  • The final list of selected candidates for Ph.D. admission (provisional) will be put up latest by 29.10.2024. (The list will be displayed in the Department and the University website).

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Calcutta Univ. Notices 2024
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