Applications are invited from interested candidates for enrolment in Ph. D. program in Botany from eligible post graduate students of Botany (or allied disciplines, subject to endorsement by the concerned Ph. D. committee).
Maximum up to 30 candidates * will be selected on the basis of merit.
*Reservation in admission shall strictly abide by the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions.
.(Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2013.
Candidates are requested to submit the filled-in application form provided below to the departmental office. The eligibility of the candidates will be as per UGC rules.
Eligible candidates will have to appear in a written MCQ (on Botany) examination of 1 hour duration. UGC recommended PG syllabus for Botany will be followed. The list of the selected candidates for interview will be displayed on the departmental Notice Board. The final selection for joining this program will be made on the basis of the interview.
The students who have cleared UGC/CSIR (JRF) NET/NET(LS)/SET/SLET/GATE/DBT(JRF)NET /ICMR (JRF) NET or have obtained DST INSPIRE Fellowship/Teacher fellowship or have passed equivalent examinations or passed the M. Phil. /M. Tech/M.D/M.E./M. Pharm. or equivalent examination shall not be required to appear in the written admission test but they have to appear in the interview.
Declaration of names of finally selected candidates will be notified after approval by the Honorable Vice Chancellor.
[Please note that RET qualification does not ensure Research Fellowship]