Applications are invited for admission to Ph.D program in the Department of Physics, University of Calcutta in the prescribed pro-forma downloadable from the University of Calcutta website (Admission Notice) at
Filled in applications together with self-attested testimonials are to be sent to The Head, Physics Department, University of Calcutta, 92 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata 700009, after paying Rs. 100/- in cash (through a Challan) at the cash counter at Rashbehari Shiksha Prangan (Rajabazar Science College), 92 A. P. C. Road, Kolkata 700 009. The Challan must be endorsed by the Head, Dept. of Physics before submission of fee. Outstation candidates may send the filled in application form together with self-attested testimonials. and a demand draft of Rs. 100/- in favour of ‘University of Calcutta’ payable at Kolkata.
Essential qualification : M.Sc. in Physics.
The eligible candidates will have to appear in a written MCQ-type examination of 1 hour duration to be held in this department on
June 20, 2017 at 11.00 hrs. The syllabus of this examination is the Physics M.Sc. syllabus of this University excluding Elective and Advanced Papers. The successful candidates will be called for an interview during
June 20-22, 2017. The final selection and allocation of supervisor will be on the basis of this interview. For details regarding areas of research please see RET-2017 notification in the department webpage
Candidates who have qualified in UGC/CSIR(JRF)/NET/SET/SLET/GATE/Teacher Eligibility or equivalent examinations or have already obtained the M.Phil degree would be exempted from the written examination, but must appear for an interview on the scheduled date.
The number of candidates who may be selected if found suitable, is not more than nineteen (19), including reservations as per the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2013.
Last date of submission of forms : May 26, 2017.
List of candidates eligible for the written test to be displayed on the departmental notice board on : June 13, 2017.
Date of written test : 20/06/2017
Time : 11.00 hrs.
Venue : Department of Physics.
List of candidates eligible (from the written test) for the interview to be displayed on : 20/06/2017, 13.30 hrs.
Interview : 20/06/2017 (from 14.30 hrs.), 21/06/2017 & 22/06/2017 from 11.00 hrs.
Download Application Form
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