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Calcutta University - Enrollment to Ph.D. Programme of the Department of Psychology 2017
Department of Psychology
Enrollment to Ph.D. Programme of the Department of Psychology 2017
Applications are invited for enrollment on Ph.D. course and subsequent research work at the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta (UCSTA, 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata --700009). The number of seats is 12 (twelve).

Candidates aspiring to pursue research work in the Department should apply in the prescribed application form which can be downloaded from Calcutta University website (www.caluniv.ac.in). The form can be submitted after paying Rs. 100/- through the Challan (available with the form) in the University Cash Counter. No Demand Draft / Postal Order or other mode of payment will be accepted. Duly filled application form with one passport sized photograph, attested photocopies of all the credentials and the receipt of the Challan should reach the office of the Department of Psychology within 20.06.2017.

The aspiring candidates (without NET/SET/SLET/Teacher Fellowship and equivalent examination and M.Phil degree in Psychology or equivalent examinations) will have to appear in a written examination of 2 hours 30 minutes, to be held in the Department on 3 / 07 / 2017 (from 12 Noon-2.30 pm) at Girindra Sekhar Bose Auditorium, Department of Psychology. The viva of the selected candidates (those who have cleared the written examination and candidates holding NET/SET/SLET/Teacher Fellowship and equivalent examination and M.Phil degree in Psychology or equivalent examinations) will take place on 4 / 7 / 2017 at 12.00 noon. All the candidates shall have to appear at 11.00 am at the office of Department of Psychology for document verification. The candidates may follow the syllabus for M.A./M.Sc. in Psychology, University of Calcutta for the said examination.

Those candidates who have already cleared UGC (JRF) examination / NET / SET / SLET / Teacher Fellowship or equivalent examinations or have the M. Phil. degree in Psychology or equivalent examinations are exempted from the written examination. They can directly appear for the interview after submitting their application forms within 20.06. 2017.

Guidelines for Ph.D. Applicants

The written examination for enrollment to Ph.D. program of the Department of Psychology would consist of the following pattern:
DURATION OF EXAM : 2 hours 30 minutes
GROUP-A : MCQ type questions: 20 questions of 1 mark each
(there will be negative marking for incorrect response - 0.25 will be deducted for each incorrect response)
GROUB-B : A research proposal including title, introduction, literature review, method and implication.
(Marks allotted: 20)
GROUP-C : One question to be selected from seven alternatives
(from seven specialized areas of Psychology – Research Methodology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Industrial Psychology)
(1 x 10 = 10 marks)
(Word Limit for answers- 800 words).

Source : caluniv.ac.in

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