Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya Eligibility Criteria : 2016-2017
Eligibility Criteria
Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya
Admissions to B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. Courses for 2016-2017
Eligibility Criteria
General Course :
Passed in H.S. or its equivalent examination with English as one main subject of not less than 100 marks. -
Honours Course :
50% marks in aggregate and 45% marks in the subject or related subject.
- OR 55% marks in the subject or related subject.
- OR 50% marks in aggregate for non-taught subject: only for B.A. (Hons.) course.
- For S.C. / S.T. candidate: - 40% marks in aggregate or in the subject. (Not applicable for physically handicapped, OBC-A and OBC-B candidates)
50% marks in aggregate and 45% marks in the subject or related subject.
Major Course :
For admission in B.Sc. (Major) in computer Application candidate has to secure a minimum of 45% mark in the aggregate (40% for S.C. and S.T.). -
For admission in B.A, B.Sc. (Hons. and General ) courses of studies a candidate is to choose his / her Honours subject and two / three elective subjects as the case may be from among Group I to VIII by taking not more than one subjects from any of the groups mentioned here under :
- Group I : Physics, Education
- Group II : History, Mathematics
- Group III : Sanskrit, Chemistry (Proposed)
- Group IV : Economics
- Group V : Political Science
- Group VII : English
- Group VIII : Computer Science, Bengali
Subject to the grouping of subjects as mentioned above, a candidate taking up honours in B.A. degree course or honours in B.Sc. degree course shall study :
B.A. honours in any one subject of the humanities division and any other two subjects in the general course taking atleast one from the humanities division.
B.Sc. Honours in any one subject from the division of Science/ Home Science and any other two subjects in General Courses taking at least one from the Science/ Home Science Division as the case may be.
B.A. honours in any one subject of the humanities division and any other two subjects in the general course taking atleast one from the humanities division.
Note :
Percentage of marks will be calculated with reference to top four subjects (Excluding Environmental Education/ Studies).
- Aggregate percentage of marks will be counted on the basis of TOP 4 Subjects excluding Environmental Education/ Environmental Studies.
- For detailed eligibility criteria please go through the college prospectus 2016-2017 published on college website separately.