Jaipuria College - Admission Notification 2024

Jaipuria College, Kolkata
Under Graduate Admission 2024
Admission Notification 2024

Admission Notification 2024

  • The online application for admission will be announced soon through the online admission portal of the college (www.sajaipuriacollege.ac.in) for two different stream-groups (B.A./B.Sc. and B.Com.) separately.
  • Only girl students can apply for morning shift and only boy students can apply for evening shift, whereas both can apply for day shift (co-education). Other category gender students can apply in any of these three shifts according to their gender identification.
  • Eligible students seeking admission can apply ONLINE without any application fees. Candidates are allowed to apply for more than one stream/subject with single registration/login within the same stream-group and same shift. For different stream-groups and different shifts (“B.A./B.Sc.” and “B.Com.”) one has to register separately. Different Ids will be given to an applicant applying in different shifts with the same email id and phone number.
  • Applicants will get user id and password in their given mail id and phone number while registering in the admission portal. In case applicants forget the id and password, it could be retrieved through the ‘forget password’ option given in the portal.
  • Admission fees can be paid through e-payments only.
  • Scanned copies of all the testimonials are required to be uploaded online during application. Verification of documents shall be done after commencement of classes. Admission is liable to be cancelled if the documents are found not in conformity with the online application data and declaration.
  • Photos of the candidates should be uploaded as per given instruction while filling up the application form. Selfies of the applicants will not be considered.
  • The admission will be offered to prospective applicants strictly on the basis of merit. To check merit list, applicants must visit the admission website regularly. Prospective applicants eligible for admission shall also be informed via sms/email.
  • The admitted candidates may change their Minor subjects, IDC subjects and AECC subjects according to their choice and availability of the subjects in our college, till the C.U. registration process.
  • In case a student fails to pay the fees in time, 30 minutes extra time will be provided in general. During this time, they have to get in touch with the college and send their payment initiation proof either to the designated email Id: admission@sajaipuricollege.ac.in or SMS to the helpline numbers to be provided in the website

    (যদি কোন আবেদনকারী নির্ধারিত সময়ের মধ্যে ভর্তির ফি দিতে না পারে, তাহলে তাকে অতিরিক্ত ৩০ মিনিট সময় প্রদান করা হবে। সেই অতিরিক্ত ৩০ মিনিট সময়ের মধ্যে ছাত্র/ ছাত্রীকে admission@sajaipuricollege.ac.in এই email Id তে অথবা helpline numbers এ ভর্তির ফি প্রদান আরম্ভের প্রমান সহ লিখিত আবেদন জানাতে হবে। )
  • After publication of 4 merit lists subject to the assessment of the situation in terms of vacant seats and applications queue, the show interest option will be made available to the applicants in all the streams of B.A./B.Sc. /B.Com for all the three shifts in order to help willing meritorious applicants and to fill up the seat vacancy sanctioned by the University of Calcutta. Applicants are required to be very careful about the closing time of each merit list.
  • Show interest opportunity will be open for 4 consecutive days for the remaining applicants left over after completion of admission under the first 4 consecutive merit lists as mentioned above. Henceforth, merit lists will be published for admission from the candidates who have opted for this show interest option. No candidate will be allowed to make any request for considering his application for admission who have already missed the show interest opportunity.
  • (8 টি মেরিট লিষ্ট প্রকাশের পর খালি আসনের সংখ্যা ও আবেদনকারীর সংখ্যা বিচার করে, মেধাবী আবেদনকারীর স্বার্থে এবং University of Calcutta দ্বারা sanctioned আসন পূরণের জন্য, B.A./B.Sc. /B.Com তিনটি শাখার ও তিন সিফটের আবেদনকারীর জন্যই show interest এই অপশনটি খুলে দেওয়া হবে। আবেদনকারীকে প্রতিটি মেধা তালিকার ভর্তির শেষ সময়ের দিকে নজর রাখার জন্য বিশেষ অনুরোধ জানানো হচ্ছে।
  • যে সকল আবেদনকারীর নাম পূর্ববর্তী 8 টি মেরিট লিষ্ট এ আসেনি, Show interest এই অপশনটি তাদের জন্য পর পর ৩ থেকে ৪ দিন খোলা থাকবে। এরপর থেকে মেরিট লিষ্ট প্রকাশিত হবে সেই সকল আবেদনকারীর থেকে, যারা Show interest এই অপশনটি বেছে নিয়েছে। কোন আবেদনকারী Show interest এই অপশনটি miss করলে তাকে পুনরায় কোন সুযোগ দেওয়া হবে না।)
  • For showing interest in taking admission in the college a candidate has to login in their profile with the given id and password sent to them via email and sms during filling up the form, and choose the button “Click to show your wish”. A message will appear “Thanks for expressing your interest. We will select applicants for admission as per their merit score”. You will also see the date and time when you have expressed your interest. Take a screenshot for future safety and Log out. In the admission portal you will find a tick mark has appeared against your choice confirming your willingness.
  • (কলেজে ভর্তির ইচ্ছে প্রকাশ করার জন্য একজন আবেদনকারীকে নিজের প্রফাইলে id ও password দিয়ে login করতে হবে। তার প্রফাইলের id ও password আবেদন করার সময়ে email ও sms র মাধ্যমে পাঠানো হবে। প্রফাইলে login করে “Click to show your wish” button এ ক্লিক করতে হবে। ক্লিক করলে “Thanks for expressing your interest. We will select applicants for admission as per their merit score” এই message টি আসবে। আবেদনকারী ভর্তির ইচ্ছে প্রকাশের সময় ও তারিখ ও দেখতে পাবে। আবেদনকারীকে একটি screenshot নিয়ে রাখার অনুরোধ জানানো হচ্ছে। ভর্তির ইচ্ছে প্রকাশের পর admission portal এ নিজের নামের পাশে একটি tick mark দেখা গেলে আবেদনকারী confirm হবে যে তার ইচ্ছে প্রকাশ সফলভাবে গৃহীত হয়েছে।)
  • After admission, cancellation of admission can be done only through login in the profile of the candidate using given user id and password. In each case whenever an applicant clicks the admission cancellation button, an otp will be generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number. Once the candidate enters that otp it will be notified to the college authority. At that point of time the candidate will be able to generate a pending cancellation challan. Once it is approved by the college, a confirmed cancellation challan will be generated.
  • Hence, cancellation of admission is a three step process. Once a confirmed cancellation challan is generated no request for re-admission will be entertained.
  • Prospective applicants will NOT be called for any physical counselling or physical verification of documents during the process of admission. No physical presence is required at the college premises before commencement of classes.
  • Adoption of any unfair means including submission of incorrect data/information during the application and/or admission process or submission of false/forged documents (mark sheets /certificates etc.) will attract severe punishments including cancellation of candidature and legal action, if required.
Disclaimer Neither we nor the colleges/institutions hold any responsibility on account of the accuracy of the content provided. we are not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the process of data aggregation. Kindly visit the respective college website for latest information.
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