On May 16th, 1995 at the initiative of some sincere and selfless local people and under the guidance of a number of enthusiasts, Raidighi College started functioning. Time has flown fast and Raidighi College has stepped into its

twenty years.
The college is now on the fast track of the progress and success, on the threshold of a rapid expansion of infrastructure. Yet, there are many miles to tread before the dream becomes a reality, before the vision metamorphorises into action.
Raidighi College is located in an area which is socio-economically backward. Natural calamities are part and parcel of the people of this locality, students who come to pursue their higher studies are very poor. They sometimes fail to pay the minimum fees of the college. For the development of infrastructure we always look forward the grants allocated by the different Government agencies. College is in urgently in need to develop some infrastructure which are mostly for the welfare of our students.
It needs to be mentioned here that with the help of grants from U.G.C. and Sunderban Development Board construction work of girls’ hostel is on the verge of completion. I n the near future, we also wish to construct a similar hostel for boys. These hostels, we are confident, will immediately benefit those students who come to the college from far off areas and are therefore, inconvenienced by the hazards of having to commute long distances to and from the college. Among our future plans is also the construction of an auditorium with adequate seating capacity and all modern facilities. We also give UGC - sponsored remedial coaching classes and coaching classes, a different competitive examinations for entry into services for weaker section of ST. SC and OBC students. We also intend to set up a modern computer training centre in the college itself, which will enable not only the students of the college but the students and eager people of the entire Sundarbans area to receive training in computers and thereby discover new and fresh means to earn their livelihood. We have started a Study Centre of Rabindra Bharati University, which will enable the students of sundarbans to receive degrees in various post-graduate courses.