RAGHUNATHPUR COLLEGE began its journey as a private educational institute in 1961. Initially, classes used to be held at the Marwari Dharmashala and G.D. Lang institution in Raghunathpur.
he active co-operation of the common people, the education lovers and the dedicated educationists of the locality finally helped the Raghunathpur College come into existence.
The untiring as well as whole hearted endeavour of Shyamadas Chatterjee vis-Ã -vis the establishment of this institution needs to be mentioned. Notwithstanding being a teacher of S.E.R. Boys; High School, adra, he felt the exigency of an institution in this locality. He stepped into door-to-door and made an appeal to the people for raising a fund required for the institution. They extended their helping hands by donating cash, land and other articles. In this way, he succeeded in reaching his destination.