Flexi-attendence introduced by city schools for students who are not able to join physical classes

Flexi-attendence introduced by city schools for students who are not able to join physical classes

Flexi-attendence introduced by city schools for students who are not able to join physical classes South City International School are allowing students to join online classes if they are able to join physicial classes by any vaild reasons.This is introduced for the students who are not able to join physical classes.Principal Satabdi Bhattacharjee said, "Earlier, if children had emergencies, including health and family-related matters, they had no other option choice but to miss classes. So, we decided to provide online support that allows them to attend classes along with other students. They can communicate during classes, ask questions to the teachers, and experience the classroom atmosphere while away from the school. South City International are also introduced onile admission test and online results.

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