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IISWBM - MSW Admission 2019-2021

Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management, Kolkata
Master in Social Welfare (MSW)
2 Years (Full Time) Degree of Calcutta University
Session : 2019-2021
The application can be submitted via online or offline process:
  Offline Online
Application Form (A) Purchase by paying Rs 700/- in cash at IISWBM, Management House, Kolkata 700073


(B) Print out the Application Form available online.
Click here
Payment & Submission For (A) above, you can drop the filled up form at IISWBM drop box or courier the same to IISWBM address

For (B) above, you can pay by cash at IISWBM when you submit the filled up form


Print out the challan in case you want to pay to IISWBM's Power Jyoti Account No. 32495656710 at any SBI branch. You can courier the filled up application form along with the challan copy (only IISWBM part) or drop at IISWBM drop box.
Follow the path provided above and pay by NEFT, Debit Card and Credit Card
List of Documents You must submit photo copy of all the applicable documents along with your application form. Come with the originals if and when you are called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview for verification. You must courier the copy of completed Application Form, copy of Payment slip and copies of all applicable documents to IISWBM, Management House College Square West Kolkata-700 073.
Come with the originals when you are called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview.


Honours candidates or equivalent course (where honours are not available) from a recognized University. Graduate in any professional course (Engineering, etc.), LLB (5 years) of a recognised university. Final admission will be based on the qualification being approved by the university of Calcutta for admission to the Masters Degree Course in Social Welfare.

Specialization to be offered in the ares of:
  • Child & Family Welfare
  • Correctional Social Work
  • Community Organisation & Development Practice
  • Labour Welfare

List of Documents

1. Class X, XII Marksheet.
2. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree certificate and Marksheet
(For final year candidates, provide all marksheets till last year/semester).
3. Proof of Date of Birth
(Birth Certificate or Aadhhar Card or Class X Admit Card or Passport).
4. MAT/ CAT/ XAT/ JEMAT/ GATE Registration Form, as appropriate
5. Certificate for SC / ST / NC-OBC, if applicable.
6. Certificate for Physical Disability, if applicable.
7. Certificate for Below Poverty Line, if applicable.
8. Work experience certificate.
9. A scanned copy of the completed application form along with a scanned copy of the receipted counter foil meant for IISWBM of the State Bank of India Power Jyoti Account No. 32495656710 should also be sent by Speed Post or Deposit in Drop Box placed in Reception Counter.

How to Apply

Application Fee Rs. 700/-

  • Option I : Online appllication through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking.
  • Option II : Online application through State Bank of india, Power jyoti Account of IISWBM (A/c No. 32495656710).
  • Option III : Collect from the reception counter of IISWBM Application from and Admission Brochure against cash payment of Rs. 700/-.

The last date for issue and submission of the completed admission form is 14th june, 2019.

Course Fees

  1st Year (Rs.) 2nd Year (Rs.) Total (Rs.)
Admission fee 8,000/-   8,000/-
Tution Fee 63,000/- 71,000/- 1,34,000/-
Development Fee 9,000/- 9,000/- 18,000/-
Library Caution Money 5,000/-   5,000/-
Security Deposit 5,000/-   5,000/-
Total 90,000/- 80,000/- 1,70,000/-
Total Fees : 1,70,000/- including refundable deposit Rs. 10,000/-.

Rs. 10,000/- to be paid additionally along with 1st year fees towards students activities viz. Field visits, Training & Placement, Participation in Seminar and Workshop etc.

Students will be allowed to pay the fees in four instalments.
Instalments: 1st Rs. 50,000/- | 2nd, 3rd, Final Rs. 40,000/- each.

Contact detail:
Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
Management House College Square (West), Kolkata-700 073.

+91-33-2241-3756 / 5792 / 8694 / 8695 / 4023-7474

(033) 2241-3975


Visit us at:

Source : iiswbm.edu

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