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Laby Brabourne College Selection Criteria : 2016-2017
Selection Criteria for B.A. / B.Sc. Honours & General Admission for 2016

Index Marks Formula of B.A. Honours Subjects for 2016-2017
Sl. No. Honours Subjects Index Marks Formula
1. Bengali A= Aggregate% + Subject%

B= Marks of Interview

Final List: 60% of A + 40% of B.
2. English A= Aggregate% + Subject%

B= Marks of Admission Test

Final List: 40% of A + 60% of B.
3. Sanskrit Aggregate + Subject%
4. Urdu Aggregate + Subject%
5. Persian DIRECT ADMISSION Applicant to contact the Dept. after submitting form.
6. History Aggregate + Subject%
7. Philosophy Aggregate + Subject% / Related subjects (@@) % (whichever is higher ) + English / Bengali % (whichever is higher).
8. Political Science Subject% / Related subjects (##) % (If Pol.Sc. exists then it must come in index else whichever is higher among the related subjects) + English / Bengali % (whichever is higher).
9. Sociology Aggregate% + English / Bengali % (whichever is higher).
10. Hindi Aggregate + Subject%
  • Related Subjects
    • (@@) Philosophy - Philosophy / Psychology
    • (##) Pol. Sc. - Sociology / Philosophy / Economics
    • ($$) Sociology - Pol.Sc. / Philosophy / Economics / History / Psychology

Index Marks Formula of B.Sc. Honours Subjects for 2016-2017
Sl. No. Honours Subjects Index Formula (Previous Year as per code)
1. Botany Biology %  / Biotechnology % (whichever is higher) + Chemistry %
2. Chemistry 2 x Chemistry % + Physics % + Mathematics % + Aggregate %
3. Economics A= Aggregate + English% + 2 X {Mathematics% / Business Mathematics% (Other Board) whichever is higher..

(If a candidate has both Mathematics and Business Mathematics, then marks of Mathematics to be added to Index)

B= Marks of Admission Test.

Final List: 50% of A + 40% of B.
4. Geography Aggregate % + Geography %
5. Mathematics 2 x Mathematics% + Aggregate
6. Physics 3 x Physics% + 2 x Mathematics%
7. Microbiology A= Physics% + Mathematics% +2 x Chemistry% + 2 x Biology% / Biotechnology% (whichever is higher).

B= Marks in Interview out of 40.

On the basis of these Qualifying Marks (Q.M.) (i.e. A) list to be prepared and all candidates to be called for Interview (I)

Final List: 1/10th of A + B.
8. Statistics Aggregate + 2 x (Statistics % / Mathematics %) whichever is higher
9. Zoology 2 x (Biology %  / Biotechnology %) whichever is higher + Chemistry%
  • Aggregate =
    • There will be an Admission Test for Economics and Interview / Admission Test for Microbiology
    • Aggregate = Total of Best Four subjects ^^.
    • ^^ Best 4 Aggregate Calculation for all "SCIENCE" subjects excludes Environmental Education (Compulsory), Environmental Science (Compulsory), Environmental Studies (Compulsory), Sanskrit, Home Science, Music, Book Keeping, Nutrition, Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Fashion Designing, Art, Fashion Studies, Physical Education, Dance, Fine Arts, SUPW, Electricity, Home Management, Home Administration, Home Science & Home Management, Home Management & Home Science, Home Management & Home Nursing

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