- Date of Admission Test :
English : 18.6.2011 (Saturday) from 11.00 A.M. to 12.30 A.M.
Model Question Paper for English Admission Test - (Click to download)
Due to unavoidable circumstances, the admission test for Economics Honours (as informed earlier) will not be held this year.
- Date of Interview :
Microbiology : 21.6.2011 (Tuesday) & 22.6.2011 (Wednesday) between 9.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. & 1.30 P.M. to 4.30 P.M.
(Date & Time schedule for candidates will be put up on College Website & College Notice Board on 16.6.2011 by 6.00 P.M.).
English – Candidates will be tested on grammatical skills, vocabulary, literary appreciation, knowledge of other literatures, fine arts etc.
Microbiology – (10+2) level Biology and Chemistry.
- Original Admit Card of the last examination appeared.
- Original Marksheet of the last examination appeared.
- Application copy of the Challan.
- One passport size photograph of the candidate.
- Original SC/ST certificate.
- Admission list of all subjects will be put up on this page and College notice board tentatively on 25.6.2011 (Saturday) by 4 pm.
A computer-training course (SELF FINANCING) is held within college campus for all students in collaboration with WEBEL Informatics Ltd. (Under Dept of Information Technology, Govt. of West Bengal)
The course has been subjected to regular review to suit the requirement of the students. Separate syllabi for the humanities, the bioscience and the pure science disciplines have been framed, each to be taught over a period of two years. A nominal course fee of Rs 750/- per annum is charged per student.
The certificates awarded on successful completion of the course are jointly issued by the Principal of the college and Webel Informatics Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) under the Dept of Information Technology, Govt. of West Bengal.
The motivation behind running the course is to give students proper grounding in the versatile use of computers against minimum effort and expense. For ‘Humanities’ students the course enhances skills for further career advancement in the field of creativity widening future career options. For ‘Science’ students the course is preparatory for portions of degree syllabi involving computer programming.