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Hooghly Women's College Fees Structure : 2016 - 2017
Fees Structure
Hooghly Women's College
Fees Structure for B.A. / B.Sc. Honours & General Admission for 2016

Fees Structure for UG Courses 2016

Hons. Tution Admission Exam Electricity Stationary I. Card Diary Generator Library Maintenance Laboratory Maintenance Development Library Caution Laboratory Caution Students' Union S.A. Medical University Total
BNGH 450 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2610
ENGH 450 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2610
HISH 450 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2610
SNSH 450 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2610
PHIH 450 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2610
GEOH 450 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 250 500 50 100 200 10 10 205 3060
ECOH 450 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2610
PLSH 450 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2610
EDCH 450 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2610
MUCH 450 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 250 500 50 100 200 10 10 205 3060
GEOG 300 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 250 500 50 100 200 10 10 205 2910
MUCG 300 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 250 500 50 100 200 10 10 205 2910
GENG 300 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2460
PHSH 660 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 750 500 50 300 200 10 10 205 3970
CEMH 660 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 750 500 50 300 200 10 10 205 3970
MTMH 660 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 500 500 50 200 200 10 10 205 3620
ECOH (SC.) 660 250 150 250 100 35 50 250 100   500 50   200 10 10 205 2820
GEOH (SC) 660 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 750 500 50 300 200 10 10 205 3970
ZOOH 660 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 750 500 50 300 200 10 10 205 3970
PUREG (SC) 510 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 750 500 50 300 200 10 10 205 3820
BIOG 510 250 250 250 100 35 50 250 100 750 500 50 300 200 10 10 205 3820
MCBH 1320 1000 250 250 100 35 50 250 3000 6000 2000 50 300 200 10 10 205 15030
NUTH 1320 1000 250 250 100 35 50 250 3000 6000 2000 50 300 200 10 10 205 15030
BNGH Bengali Honours ECOH Economics Honours PHSH Physics Honours PUREG (SC) B.Sc. General (PURE)
ENGH English Honours PLSH Political Science Honours CEMH Chemistry Honours BIOG B.Sc. Science (BIO)
HISH History Honours MUCH Music Honours MTMH Mathematics Honours MCBH Micro-Biology Honours
SNSH Sanskrit Honours GEOG B.A. General with Geography ECOH (SC.) B.Sc. Economics Honours NUTH Nutrition Honours
PHIH Philosophy Honours MUCG B.A. General with Music GEOH (SC) B.Sc. Geography Honours
GEOH Geography Honours GENG B.A. General ZOOH Zoology Honours

  Hooghly Women's College

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