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Goenka College MBA Admission Notice Dated 21/07/2016 : 2016-2018
Admission to 1st Semester of MBA Course for the Academic Session 2016-2018


No. : 234 Date : 21.07.2016

Admission to 1st Semester of MBA Course (Academic Session 2016 – 2018)

Applicants whose names are in the Provisional Merit List-I of General category, SC category, OBC-A category and OBC-B category are hereby directed to take note of the following points :

  • Date & Time of Admission : 25 July, 2016 (Monday) from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 P.M.
  • Reporting Time is 11:00 A.M.; half an hour before the scheduled time of admission which must be strictly adhered to.
  • Candidates are directed to report along with any of their parents.
  • Documents to be produced at the time of admission : All original testimonials and attested photocopies in support of the entries made in the application form.
  • If any listed candidate fails to report on the scheduled date and time, he/she will not get any further chance of admission. All concerned are to note that on merit based admission if any candidate is absent, the next candidate in the merit list is admitted. No request for considering the absence on the scheduled date and time on any ground will be entertained.
  • SC, ST, OBC-A and OBC-B applicants of the State of West Bengal only are eligible for reservation facility under these categories. SC, ST, OBC-A and OBC-B candidates must produce the original Cast / Class certificate issued by Government of West Bengal failing which they cannot avail of the reservation facility.
  • Date of publication of next Merit List for remaining seats, if any, will be notified on 7th August, 2016.

    Each selected candidate must produce the following documents at the time of Admission :
    • All Mark-sheets of last qualifying degree examination in original.
    • Age-proof document in original.
    • SC, ST, OBC(A) & OBC(B) Candidates : Caste Certificate in original for SC, ST, OBC(A) & OBC(B) Candidates.
    • SC, ST, OBC(A) and OBC(B) applicants of the state of West Bengal only are eligible for reservation facility.
    • Two stamp-sized photographs.
    • One self-attested photocopy of :
      • Mark-sheets (Last qualifying examination).
      • Age-Proof document.
      • Caste certificate [SC, ST, OBC(A), OBC(B)].
    • Physically Challenged Candidates : A Certificate issued by a Doctor of any recognized Government hospital stating therein the percentage of disability (at least 40% disability as per the Government rules) for Physically Challenged Candidates.

The applicants must remain personally present along with any of their parents or local guardian. Any outstation applicant who has mentioned the name of the local guardian in the online application from is allowed to bring local guardian at the time of admission.

The students of universities other than the University of Calcutta must submit the inward migration certificate to the college office within a month from the date of admission which is mandatory for getting registration in the University of Calcutta. All admissions are provisional and if any student admitted fails to get the registration from the affiliating university due to any reason for which the college authority is not responsible the college authority will have no other option but to cancel the admission of the said student.

Goenka College of Commerce
Business Administration

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  Error processing SSI file
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