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Goenka College MBA Admission Notice Dated 06/08/2011 : 2011 - 2012
NOTICE DATED 06.08.2011
Admissions to 1st Semester of MBA Course for the Session 2011 – 12


No. Date : 06.08.2011

Applicants whose names are in the provisional Merit Llist II of General Caste candidate are hereby directed to take note of the following points :

  1. Date & Time of Admission : 10th August, 2011 from 12.00 Noon to 2.00 P.M.
  2. Reporting Time is 11.30 a.m.; half an hour before the scheduled time of admission which must strictly be adhered to.
  3. Candidates are directed to report along with their guardians.
  4. Documents to be produced at the time of admission : All original testimonials and attested photo copies in support of the entries made in the form.
  5. If any listed candidate fails to report in scheduled date and time, he/she will not get any further chance of admission. All concerned are to note that on merit based admission if any candidate is absent, the next candidate in the merit list is admitted. No request for considering the absence on the scheduled date and time on any ground will be entertained.
  6. Amount to be paid at the time of admission : Rs. 7,140/-

Applicants whose names are in the Provisional Waiting List II are directed to report on 10th August, 2011 at 12.00 Noon.

Admission is not guaranteed for the wait listed applicants. If seats remain vacant after the admission from the Provisional Merit List the same will be filled in from the wait listed applicants according to merit ranking. Point numbers 3, 4, 5, & 6 as stated above will be applicable for the applicants who may get the chance of admission from the waiting list.

Goenka College of Commerce
Business Administration

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  Error processing SSI file
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