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City College B.Com. Honours Merit List - OBC-A Category (2016 - 2017)
Admissions to B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. (Honours / General) for 2016-2017
Category : OBC-A Board : ALL Stream : B.Com. Subject : B.Com. Honours
No. of Seats = 05
Merit Calculation
Aggregate + 2 X Accountancy / Mathematics

(For Applicants having both Accountancy and Mathematics,
the higher mark will be given weightage.)
OBC-A/OBC-B candidates from states other than West Bengal have been treated as general candidates for the purpose of admission.
In order to find out your name in the list, please press "CTRL + F" together, depending on the type of browser you are using Find / Search Bar will appear at the Page Top / Bottom. Enter your Application Number / Name and press Next/Search to find your Rank.
Rank AppNo Name Aggregate
(of top 4 marks)
Subject Marks
Merit Marks
1 25151 NAVIN JAISWAL 371.00 93.00 557.00
2 16296 SK JUNET REJA 360.00 90.00 540.00
3 5085 DELOWAR MONDAL 351.00 90.00 531.00
4 14993 SABNAM MUSTARIN KHAN 354.00 85.00 524.00
5 19929 EHTESHAM QUADIR 349.00 86.00 521.00
6 17788 MD ANAS AZMI 331.00 86.00 503.00
7 8234 JAHIR MONDAL 326.00 88.00 502.00
8 10575 SRIJITA DUTTA 328.00 81.00 490.00
9 11465 ZAHIR ALAM 307.00 91.00 489.00
10 2055 SK ASPAK HOSSAIN 321.00 84.00 489.00
11 3921 SAMITAVA NAG 348.00 69.00 486.00
12 249 RANAJAY MODAK 314.00 85.00 484.00
13 2935 GAZANFAR FURQUAN 324.00 78.00 480.00
14 10813 SK SHAJAHAN 321.00 78.00 477.00
15 15185 ADITYA JAISWAL 328.00 74.00 476.00
16 18492 GUNJITA SARKAR 320.00 77.00 474.00
17 20722 ANAS ALI PIYADA 292.00 84.00 460.00
18 4833 POUSHALI NATH 310.00 75.00 460.00
19 22043 SAHIN BEGUM 310.00 72.00 454.00
20 24685 NADIA PARWEZ 309.00 72.00 453.00
21 5774 PORVIN JAMADAR 304.00 73.00 450.00
22 19041 MD MAHASEN 307.00 70.00 447.00
23 17388 APOORVI NANDA THAKUR 309.00 69.00 447.00
24 1255 GITIKA GUPTA 297.00 73.00 443.00
25 22855 MD. AFIF ALAM 282.00 80.00 442.00
26 9847 ABU ZUBAIR MONDAL 295.00 72.00 439.00
27 9529 SOUMALYA JATI 294.00 72.00 438.00
28 12182 MD SHAHNAWAZ KALAM 275.00 80.00 435.00
29 20929 DISHA HALDER 289.00 73.00 435.00
30 25900 RAJA BABU SAH 286.00 73.00 432.00
31 14344 ARYAN AHMED MONDAL 287.00 72.00 431.00
32 12244 ABDUR RAHMAN 275.00 77.00 429.00
33 25531 FARHAT BANU 299.00 64.00 427.00
34 22963 SURAJ KUMAR 296.00 63.00 422.00
35 18658 RIDHI BORAR 297.00 62.00 421.00
36 13214 AJIJUDDIN MULLICK 283.00 68.00 419.00
37 10783 SAIFUDDIN ALI MONDAL 276.00 71.00 418.00
38 5496 SATYAJIT SEN 275.00 70.00 415.00
39 13495 APSARA PARVEEN 290.00 60.00 410.00
40 18102 PUJARINI DEBNATH 269.00 67.00 403.00
41 11960 MD MOBASSHIR NAZAR 304.00 49.00 402.00
42 23933 ALISHA SHAIKH 276.00 62.00 400.00
43 22879 AKSHAY GUPTA 261.00 65.00 391.00
44 6571 SK YEAMIN ALI 284.00 53.00 390.00
45 17627 AMIR MONDAL 266.00 60.00 386.00
46 19228 NIKHAT PARVEEN 262.00 60.00 382.00
47 12292 GHOLAM SHAHBAZ 257.00 62.00 381.00
48 9651 PUJA SHAW 265.00 58.00 381.00
49 13319 MAHAMMAD SHAKIL ANSARI 246.00 65.00 376.00
50 5405 SK SAMIR 265.00 52.00 369.00
51 5620 VIKASH YADAV 241.00 62.00 365.00
52 2269 MD. NIZAM MONDAL 248.00 58.00 364.00
53 19110 BAZELA JAWAID 253.00 55.00 363.00
54 9357 SONU SHARMA 257.00 53.00 363.00
55 4730 MD SALIM ANSARI 241.00 60.00 361.00
56 6657 SAMIM ALI LASKAR 249.00 56.00 361.00
57 14792 SUMAIYA SABNAM 255.00 49.00 353.00
58 24549 MAHSIN REZA 222.00 64.00 350.00
59 18296 KISHAN KARMAKAR 255.00 47.00 349.00
60 20175 SHIRSHANAY GHOSH 240.00 51.00 342.00
61 26541 HARSH ANAND 235.00 52.00 339.00
62 10455 MEHEBUB MOLLAH 243.00 48.00 339.00
63 1060 SK SHAMIM AKHTAR 234.00 50.00 334.00
64 9443 NISHAR AHMED 224.00 52.00 328.00
65 9911 SK SHANAWAJ RAHAMAN 237.00 44.00 325.00
66 3838 AWANISH CHOUDHARY 240.00 41.00 322.00
67 12158 MANOJ SINGH 220.00 48.00 316.00

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