Bethune Post Graduate Admission Notice : 28/07/2011
Admission to 1st year Post Graduate Classes in Botany, English, Mathematics and Zoology 2011-2012
- Cost of Form: Rs.250/-
- Dates of distribution of forms: Date of distribution of forms from College Office: 01.08.2011 to 11.08.2011 from 11.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M.
- Dates os Submission: Duly filled in forms will have to be submitted to the concerned departments from 01.08.2011 to 11.08.2011 (excluding Sunday) between 12.00 Noon and 3.00 P.M.
- Documents Required: Candidates must show their original mark-sheets of B.A. / B.Sc. Final Examination at the time of submission of application forms.
- Download Application Form: Application forms may also be downloaded from our website between 01.08.2011 (after 10:00 A.M.) and 11.08.2011 (up to 2:00 P.M.).
- Application fee of Rs.250/- will have to be paid at the College Office before submission of form at the respective departments.
- Date of Interview: All eligible candidates from Universities other than Calcutta University will have to appear in an interview on 18.08.2011 at 01.30 P.M. at the respective departments.
- Publication of Selection Lists: 23rd August 2011 after 02:00 P.M. in our website and on our College Notice Board.
- Date of Reporting time and Admission: 30.08.2011
Botany and Zoology: 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon
Mathematics and English: 12:00 Noon - 01:00 P.M.
Officer-In-Charge Bethune College, Kolkata |