Bethune College - How to Apply : 2011 - 2012
Admissions to B.A. (Hons) / B.Sc. (Hons) for 2011-2012
NOTE: The computer you are using to apply must have internet connection. In order to apply you must use Internet Explorer 5.5 or above browser only.
How to Apply | ||
Step 1 | : |
Go to
OR |
Step 2 | : | Before proceeding to apply, carefully read the admission notice by clicking on the link "Update of Admission Notice". |
Step 3 | : | Once you have read the admission notice go back to the previous page and click on the link "Click Here For Online Admission 2011". |
Step 4 | : |
Click on the link "Admission to BA Honours" if you want to apply for Arts.
Click on the link "Admission to BSc Honours" if you want to apply for Science.
You need your 10+2 mark sheet to fill up the online application form. |
Step 5 | : | From the dropdown choose your Honours Stream i.e. subject you want to apply for. |
Step 6 | : | From the dropdown choose your Board of 10+2. |
Step 7 | : | From the dropdown choose your Stream of 10+2. |
Step 8 | : | From the dropdown choose your Category. |
Step 9 | : | From the dropdown choose your State of Domicile. |
Step 10 | : |
Once you have correctly completed the above steps you can go to the next stage by clicking on the “Submit” button.
You can return to the main page by clicking on the “Back” button or reset the information on the page by clicking on the “Reset” button. |
Step 11 | : |
On clicking the Submit button in Step 10, you will be taken to the pre-screening stage of the online application system.Enter Aggregate (%) and Subject Marks (%) in appropriate boxes as applicable.
Fill all the fields carefully at this stage, as the system will automatically cross check this with the information provided by you in the next stage. (Please be careful in calculating your aggregate %. In case of any doubt refer to the criteria for admission). Also enter the language subject other than English which you have studied at the 10+2 level. This field is mandatory for candidates from WBCHSE. |
Step 12 | : |
Once you have correctly completed Step 11 you can go to the next stage by clicking on the “Submit” button.
You can return to the previous page by clicking on the “Back” button or reset the information on the page by clicking on the “Reset” button. |
Step 13 | : |
On clicking the Submit button in Step 11, you will be taken to the main Application Form.
All Fields marked with”*” are compulsory.
Enter the name of subjects in full, i.e. write MATHEMATICS and not MATHS. ECONOMICS and not ECO. Please note that you CANNOT edit the marks entered in the mark sheet of the online Application Form. If you had made a mistake in entering your marks you need to RE-APPLY. Once you have entered all the information in the Online Mark sheet, click on the “Calculate” button. The system will automatically calculate the aggregate percentage based on the method provided in the criteria for admission and the information provided by you. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SUBJECT MARKS % AND AGGREATE % MUST MATCH WITH THE DETAILS PROVIDED IN THE EARLIER STAGE (Step 11). |
Step 14 | : | By clicking on the “Preview” button at the bottom of the page you can see the preview of your form in a new window. Please see that all the information provided are correct. If you find any of the information to be incorrect click on the “Close” button and make the necessary changes in the Application Form. If all the information provided are correct click on the “Close” button and proceed to next step. |
Step 15 | : | Click on “Submit” button to finally submit your application. Please note that once you have submitted the form, you cannot go back to modify the form. If you want to modify the form click on the link “Edit Data”. |
Step 16 | : |
In this final stage on successful submission of the application you will find a two page APPLICATION FORM and a one page CHALLAN with two copies: - Applicant’s Copy, and College’s Copy along with the APPLICATION NUMBER.
Please keep a note of your “APPLICATION NUMBER” as it may be useful. Take the print of the APPLICATION FORM and CHALLAN on an A4 page by clicking on the “Print” button. You are required to take the Challan and submit the application fee at the college. Application fees should be submitted at college on 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th & 14th June 2011 from 12.00 Noon to 3.00 P.M. No fees will be collected on the 12th of June 2011 (Sunday). Please retain the duly paid Applicant’s Copy of the Challan as acknowledgement for future use. YOUR APPLICATION IS VALID ONLY IF THE APPLICATION FEE IS RECEIVED BY THE COLLEGE BEFORE THE LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION. |
Step 17 | : |
Once you have taken the print you will be directed to a “FEEDBACK FORM FOR APPLICANT”,
this is NOT mandatory and you can Exit without filling the FEEDBACK form.
However, applicants are requested to take out some of their valuable time to fill the feedback form as it will help in plugging the loopholes of the present online application system. |
Step 18 | : | You may check the Payment Status of your Application on-line, THREE days after remitting the application fees at the college. |
Retrieve Challan | ||
Step 1 | : |
In case you want to take the print of the CHALLAN at a later stage, go to
Go to OR Click on the link “Retrieve Challan”.
Step 2 | : |
You can use any one of the three ways to view and print your Challan.
Option 1: Use this option if you know your Application No. Option 2: Use this option if you have forgotten your Application No. and are from W.B.C.H.S.E. Option 3: Use this option if you have forgotten your Application No. and are from OTHER BOARD. Click on “Submit” button. |
Edit Data | ||
Step 1 | : |
In case you want to EDIT the details provided in the application form, you can do the same by clicking the Edit button till online
system is open. To edit your data go to
Click on the link “Edit Data”.
Step 2 | : | Enter your Application Form No. and Date of Birth. Click on “Submit” button, this will open your form in EDIT Mode. |
Step 3 | : | Once you have finished editing your data click on the “Update Form” button. If you DON’T want to edit or cancel the changes made, simply close the browser window and exit. |
Print Application Form | ||
Step 1 | : |
If you want to take a PRINT of the APPLICATION FORM, go to
Click on the link “Print Application”.
Step 2 | : |
You can use any one of the three ways to view and print your Application Form.
Option 1: Use this option if you know your Application No. Option 2: Use this option if you have forgotten your Application No. and are from W.B.C.H.S.E. Option 3: Use this option if you have forgotten your Application No. and are from OTHER BOARD. Click on “Submit” button. |
Check Payment Status | ||
Step 1 | : |
You may check the Payment Status of your Application on-line, THREE days after remitting the application fees at the college. To check your PAYMENT STATUS, go to
Click on the link “Check Payment Status”.
Step 2 | : |
You can use any one of the three ways to check your payment status.
Option 1: Enter your Application Form No. and Date of Birth. Option 2: Use this option if you have forgotten your Application No. and are from W.B.C.H.S.E. Option 3: Use this option if you have forgotten your Application No. and are from OTHER BOARD. Click on “Submit” button, this will show the status of your payment. |
Officer-In-charge Bethune College, Kolkata |