Bethune Admission Notice : 04/06/2011
Admissions to B.A. (Hons) / B.Sc. (Hons) for 2011-2012
- Application Form for admission to First Year B.A. (Hons) and B.Sc. (Hons) courses for 2011 will be received only online through the website
- Detailed information regarding facilities, choice of subjects etc. is available from Bethune College website
- No Form will be issued from the college.
- A candidate may apply for a maximum of three Honours subjects.
- Separate application must be submitted for each Honours subject.
- Bethune College does not offer B.A./B.Sc.General Course.
- Candidates who have passed 10+2 exam in 2011 or 2010 only are eligible to apply.
- Application fees should be submitted at college on 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th & 14th June from 11.30 A.M to 3.00 P.M. No fees will be collected on the 12th of June (Sunday).
- Application fees Rs.100/- for each subject applied for. Each applicant will have to buy only one prospectus worth Rs. 20/- at the time of submission of forms, irrespective of the number of subjects applied for.
- Candidates should get a complete printout of the filled up form for reference along with the pay-in-slip after online submission.
- As per Calcutta University circular, marks of Environmental Education (compulsory) will not be counted towards the aggregate percentage of a candidate appearing from any 10+2 level.
- Candidates must pass in English in 10+2 examination.
- For Physics (Honours) - 10 top students will be eligible to take up Computer Science and 3 top students can take Statistics as a general subject (apart from Mathematics) if they apply for the same.
- For Mathematics (Honours) - 6 top students will be eligible to take up Computer Science and 7 top students can take Statistics as a general subject (apart from Physics) if they apply for the same.
- For Economics (Honours) - 10 top students can take Statistics as a general subject and 4 top students can take Computer Science as a General subject (apart from Mathematics) if they apply for the same.
- For English (Honours) - AN ADMISSION TEST will be held for students seeking admission to the English Honours course 2011. The candidates will be tested in the following areas:-
- Grammar
- Composition
- Familiarity with Literature
- Date of Examination - 17.06.2011.
- Students appearing for the admission test will have to report on the day of the examination at 12:00 Noon.
- No candidate will be allowed to sit for the examination if she reports after 12.45 P.M.
- Students will have to produce the Admit Card (along with photo identity) of (10+2) examination and the pay-in –slip obtained after online submission of form with the payment stamp on it.
- No student will be allowed to sit for the admission test without the above mentioned documents.
- For taking Statistics (General) candidate must secure at least 70% in Mathematics at 10+2 level.
- For taking Psychology (General) candidate must secure at least 50% in English at 10+2 level.
- Date of publication of merit list will be announced after 17.06.2011.
From 5th June, 2011 (10.00 A.M.) to 13th June, 2011 (3.00 P.M.)
Officer-In-Charge Bethune College, Kolkata |