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Bangabasi Evening College Undergraduate Courses Fees Structure : 2016-2017
Fees Structure for Undergraduate Courses
Bangabasi Evening College
Admission to B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. Honours Courses 2016-2017

Fees Structure 2016-2017

Class Enrollment Fees Tution Admission Session Charges Development Charges CU Sports Students' Aid Fund CU Registration Fees Academic Imporvement Charges Students' Union Library Caution Money Laboratory Caution Money Lab. Fee Test Exam Identity Card SHH Total
Fees for 3 months Fees
    Electric Printing Sports + Indoor Games + Magazine + Students' Union Fees + Educational Tour Fees Annual Social Fees
Arts (Gen) 100 150 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 0 0 80 20 10 3210
Arts (Hons) 100 225 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 0 0 80 20 10 3285
B.Com. (Gen) 100 180 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 0 0 80 20 10 3240
B.Com. (Hons) 100 255 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 1000 300 200 100 0 0 80 20 10 3815
Phys. Sc. (Gen) 100 255 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 300 80 20 10 3715
Math. (Hons) 100 330 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 300 80 20 10 3790
Chemistry (Hons) 100 330 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 1500 80 20 10 4990
Bio. Sc. (Gen) Bot.,
Zoo., Anthro
100 225 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 450 80 20 10 3835
Bio. Sc. (Gen) Bot, Zoo,
100 225 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 500 80 20 10 3885
Bio. Sc. (Gen)Bot.,
Zoo., Chem.
100 225 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 500 80 20 10 3885
Physiology (Hons) 100 330 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 1750 80 20 10 5240
Anthropology (Hons) 100 330 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 1000 80 20 10 4490
B.Sc (Gen) with
100 555 400 200 150 800 60 30 110 500 300 200 100 100 500 80 20 10 4215

  • Tution Fees for Economics Honours Rs. 110.00 per month.
  • Cost of Form Rs. 125/- (including bank charges).
  • In case of Migrating Studentsextra charges Rs. 100/-.
  • For Part II B.Com. Students Additional I.T. charges* Rs. 50/- pm.
  • Students' Union Fees : Sports + Indoor Games + Magazine + Students' Union Fees + Educational Tour Fees (60 + 20 + 40 + 110 + 70 = Rs. 300/-)

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