Bangabasi Evening College Undergraduate Courses Documents Required : 2016-2017
Documents Required for Undergraduate Courses
Bangabasi Evening College
Admission to B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. Honours Courses 2016-2017
Documents Required 2016-2017
- Admit Card of Madhyamik Pariksha or equivalent examinations or Age Proof with photocopy self attested.
- Original Mark Sheet and Admit Card of Higher Secondary Examinations or other equivalent examinations with photocopies SELF attested.
- SC/ST/OBC certificate from District Magistrate or Sub Divisional Officer. No Certificate from other authority will be accepted for this purpose.
- Passport-size photographs (2 copies).
- Mark-sheets from unaffiliated board/council/universities will not be entertained.
- No Objection Certificate from foreign students along with Student Visa.
- A candidate may be admitted to the Part I (Honours & General) course/examination rovided he/she has pursued a regular course of study for not less than one academic year in a college or colleges affiliated to the University in the subjects which the candidate takes up after passing the H.S. Examination (H.S. Course) conducted by the WBHSC or an equivalent examination recognized as such by the University in five recognized subjects of full marks not being less than 100 each of which at least one shall be English.
- Student must produce the Original Admit Card and Mark Sheet issued by the Board / Universities concerned and SC/ST/OBC certificate at the time of document verification.
- All type of admission would be through Bank. Challan would be generated in the college on the basis of submission of form. The selected candidates would be asked to submit fees through the bank.