Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College Important Instructions : 2016-2017
Important Instructions
Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College
Admissions to B.A. / B.Com. Honours Courses for 2016-2017
Important Instructions
Online Application Forms are available in the following Courses : B.COM (Hons. & General), B.A.(Hons.) in Bengali, B.A. (Hons.) in English and B.A (General). After Submitting the Online Form in any stream, the candidates are asked to follow the following instructions :
- Form Submission On-line : From 18th May - 10th June 2016.
- An application fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred) is to be deposited at any branch of "Bank of Baroda" in West Bengal within 2(two) Working days from the date of Online Form Submission failing which the Form will not be accepted. The Online Form will be accepted and registered by the College only after the College receives the original Bank Receipt regarding the payment made by the candidate.
- After submission of Form, the candidate must take a printout of the Application Form(2 pages)alongwith the Bank Receipt 1(One page): Total 3(Three) pages.
- Out of this 04(four) parts of Bank Receipt, two will be kept by the Bank and the Candidate will keep other two counterparts duly sealed & signed by the Bank Authority.
- At the time of Form verification and Admission, if his/her name appear in the provisional Merit List,the printout of the Application Form alongwith the Bank payment Receipt must be produced.
- If you already registered, you can check the form status following the link, Application Form Status and enter the Form ID to the specific field and click on submit button.
- Date of publication of Provisional Merit List on the website as well as in College Notice Board, 15-06-2016 at 4 p.m.
- Date of Documents Verification & Admission: 21st, 22nd & 23rd June 2016.
- DO NOT try to submitt the form 2nd times, if you already registered your Form in the same Course/Stream and Category.