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Calcutta University - Admission to M.Tech. Course for the session 2017-2018
University College of Science and Technology
Admission to M.Tech. Course for the session 2017-2018

Admission Notice

Applications are invited for admission in following M.Tech Courses for the Session 2017-2018.

For detailed notice visit websites www.caluniv.ac.in & www.caluniv-ucsta.net.

92, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata – 700009.

General Eligibility & No. of Seats

How to Apply

C.U. candidate means the candidate who passed B.Tech. / B.E. / MCA / M.Sc. Examination from C.U. as eligibility degree for admission in relevant M.Tech. courses and Non-CU candidate means the candidate who passed the same degree from other University.

Candidate should check the Eligibility Criteria of the course(s) he / she intends to apply very carefully. Separate application to be submitted for each course.

Candidate may apply in more than ONE but not more than THREE courses if eligible with order of preference. Candidates have to select all the course(s) he / she wants to apply if eligible once with order of preference, computer will automatically generate all the application forms required.

In some cases a candidate may apply for more than one course with Order of Preference. Candidate should give his order of preference carefully; it may not be changed later. During Selection all the options of candidate of Higher Merit will be considered first then the options of the next higher merit candidates will be considered. Once the candidate will be selected in one option, all the lower options will be closed, keeping the higher options remains open for future chance. The preference 1 is higher option than preference 2 and so on. The candidate should select the course as preference 1 which he thinks the best one and he intends to get admission if he get chance. Accordingly, 2nd best course as preference 2 and so on.

  • If a candidate forgets to select all the courses he/she wants to apply or if she wants to change the order of preference of courses he/she has applied then he/she should submit a fresh online application selecting all the courses with her right choice of order of preference and keep the printed copy of fresh application not the wrong one.
  • Please remember all the applications of a candidate should have same Application No., a single Acknowledgement Slip and a single e-Receipt after deposition of application fee.
  • For any other mistake please write a plain paper application for correction of mistake.
  • No correction shall be allowed for change of order of preference and no. of courses after final submission of application through online.

Application is to be submitted through online only. No Hardcopy of Application Form will be issued. For online application please logon to www.caluniv-ucsta.net.
If you are a new user of this online system please register yourself on the website by creating Account with Unique Username and password.
This Username / password is very important for all further transactions. Please do remember your Username and Password you have created.
  • Information required for filling in the Application Form
    • A valid Email ID (Same Email ID cannot be used more than once).
    • Marks/Grade obtained in major Examinations from 10th Standard onwards.
    • Income of family per month.
    • Scanned photo (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm) preferably in jpg/jpeg format and size < 20 KB.
    • Scanned Signature (Put your signature on a piece of paper 6 cm x 2 cm) preferably in jpg/jpeg format and size < 20 KB.
  • Instruction for filling in the form
    • Open the page www.caluniv-ucsta.net to M.Tech. Admission to Apply Online
    • Click the 'Click here to register' link at the bottom of the Login form.
    • Fill in the Registration Form.
    • With the Email ID as User-ID and chosen Password, you’ll be directed to the Admission Form.
    • Once you are the registered user of this system, after clicking on the Link Online Application form you will be in a position to fill an Application form for admission of your desired Subject(s).
  • Proceed filling in the form from 'Personal' page to 'Payment info' page, one after another. One cannot jump to a particular page of the form without filling in the previous page.
  • One need not fill in the form at one attempt. Data will remain stored. 'Save' button stores the data of that particular page and stays in that page, whereas 'Save & Continue' stores the data of that page and proceeds to the next page.
  • Before 'Final Submission' of the form available in 'payment info' page, one may print the draft form to check the data inserted by the user.
  • After 'Final Submission' of the form, the user cannot edit data in the form anymore.
  • - Fill all the information carefully as per the given instructions.
    - Once you fill all the details, click on the "Submit" button.
    - Then you can see the preview of your filled Application form. On that preview there is option for Print.
    - Here if you want to update any filled information you can update it Or else if your filled information is correct then take a printout directly by clicking on Print button.
  • To take a printout of the e-Hall Ticket, Login to the Online System again with the same login details when notified for downloading e-hall ticket.

Important Dates

1 Notification 18.05.2017
2 Opening of website for Online submission of application & Fee Deposit 19.05.2017
Up to 4:00 P.M.
3 Online Fee Deposition through SBI Collect 19.05.2017
Up to 4:00 P.M.
4 Hall Ticket Download for Entrance Test from website To be notified later
5 Entrance Test for all M.Tech. courses (Tentative)
Follow detailed Schedule of Entrance Test
To be notified later
6 Publication of Result of Entrance Test To be notified later
6a Publication of provisional merit list of C.U. current year Post B.Sc.-B.Tech. Students (Part-A) - based on the data provided by the candidates To be notified later
7 Verification of Documents To be notified later
8 Date, Time and Venue of Interview (Tentative) To be notified later
9 Publication of provisional 1st list of candidates selected for admission To be notified later
10 Date of admission To be notified later
11 Commencement of Classes To be notified later
12 Detailed schedule of Entrance Test To be notified later

N.B. : The Schedule of Admission is subject to change on demand of the situation and will be notified accordingly.

Prof. (Dr.) Amlan Chakraborti
Faculty of Engineering & Technology, C.U.

Email : achakra12@yahoo.com and acakcs@caluniv.ac.in
Venue of Entrance test : Calcutta University Campuses in Kolkata (Detailed of Seat Allotment to be announced Later)

Entrance Test

Gr. No. Subject Code Programme Subject Time Venue
Date of Examination: 18.06.2017 (Sunday)
5 108 & 110 2 Yr M.Tech.
3 Yr. M.Tech.
EE (Electrical Engg.),
EE-PT (Electrical Engg. Part-time)
10:30 A.M.
12:00 NOON
C.U. Rajabazar Science College,
92, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata - 700009
6 109 & 111 2 Yr M.Tech.
3 Yr. M.Tech.
ICE (Instrumentation & Control Engg.)
ICE-PT (Part time)
10:30 A.M.
12:00 NOON
1 101 2 Yr . M.Tech. RPE (Radio Physics & Electronics) 12:30 A.M.
2:00 P.M.
7 112 2 Yr. M.Tech. CE (Chemical Engineering) 1:30 P.M.
3:00 P.M.
15 102 & 103 2 Yr M.Tech.
3 Yr. M.Tech.
VLSI, VLSI-PT (VLSI Design including Part time.) 4:00 P.M.
5:30 P.M.
8 117 2 Yr M.Tech. PST
(Polymer Science & Technology)
4:00 P.M.
5:30 P.M.
Date of Examination: 25.06.2017 (Sunday)
2 104 2 Yr M.Tech. CSE (Computer Sc. & Engineering) 11:00 A.M.
12:30 P.M.
C.U. Technology Campus, JD-2, Salt Lake, Sector-III, Kolkata – 700106
4 107 2 Yr M.Tech. OO (Optics & Optoelectronics)
3 105 2 Yr M.Tech. IT (Information Technology) 1:30 P.M.
3:00 P.M.
16 119 2 Yr M.Tech. BMI (Bio Medical Instrumentation)
14 106 3 Yr M.Tech. CEA-PT (Computer Engg. & Application Part Time) 4:00 P.M.
5:30 P.M.
Date of Examination: 25.06.2017 (Sunday)
9 113 2 Yr M.Tech. CR (Ceramic Engineering) 11:00 A.M.
12:30 P.M.
C.U. Rajabazar Science College 92, A.P.C. Road,
Kolkata – 9
12 116 2 Yr M.Tech. PT (Pharmaceuticals Technology) 12:30 P.M.
2.00 P.M.
11 115 2 Yr M.Tech. PE (Petrochemical & Petroleum Refinery Engineering) 2:00 P.M.
3.30 P.M.
10 114 2 Yr M.Tech. OT (Oil Technology) 3.30 P.M.
5.00 P.M.
Date of Examination: 25.06.2017 (Sunday)
13 118 2 Yr M.Tech. Textile Technology
(Technical Textile) (TT)
12:00 Noon
1:30 P.M.
Dept. of Jute & Fibre Technology, Institute of Jute Technology, 35 B.C. Road, Kolkata – 700019

Reporting in the Hall 30 minutes earlier in all examination.

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