Nahata Jogendra Nath Mondal Smriti Mahavidyalaya is a Co-educational Institution. The history of this college is a history of progress. To realize the goal of spreading higher education in rural Bengal by the West Bengal Government and to fulfil the earnest
desire of the local people, Nahata Jogendra Nath Mondal Smriti Mahavidyala was established on 1st July, 1985 with the active Co-operation of then Education Minister, Hon. Sri Kanti Biswas and Late Santimoy Ghosh. The Managing Committee of Nahata High School donated 5 (five) bigh'as of land for the construction of the College building. Late Sri Rakhal Bhowmick and Sri Harimohan Bhowmick donated 44 (forty-four) satak land. The Managing Committee of Nahata High School also allowed the College to use School Class-rooms, without rent for almost two years. The then teachers of Nahata High School took the responsibility of teaching the students of this College. All the members of staff of Nahata High School also donated their remuneration for one month to the College fund. Apart from neighboring regions, people from Bagda, Bongaon, Gaighata, Nagar Ukhra, Kasthadanga, Darabpur, Hinghnara, Silinda, Jaleshwar, Phoolsaran, Gopalnagar, Kalopur, Akaipur, Dighari, Palla, Chowberia also contributed generously.
During the establishment of the College, the President of the Governing Body was the Honourable Education Minister, Sir Kanti Biswas, Sri Rabindranath Sarkar was the secretary and Sri Satyendranath Naha was the Cashier. The first Governing Body was like this ; Sri Santimoy Pradhan (S.D.O., Bangaon) - President, Sri Kesablal Biswas, Member, Sri Rabindranath Sarkar, Secretary, Sri Satyendranath Naha (Headmaster, Nahata High School), Member; Sri Bhupendranath Seth (M.L.A. Bangaon), Member, Sri Kamalakshi Biswas (M.L.A., Bagda), Member; Sri Nani Malakar (M.L.A., Haringhata), Member; Sri Pankaj Ghosh (Local M.L.A.), Member. The Minister of Higher Education, Honourable Sri Satyasadhan Chakraborty has helped immensely in building up this Institution. Thus from a humble beginning the College has during the last two decades, became a premiere Institution for learning in this locality. It now boasts of seven honours faculties. Housed in a three storied building surrounded by lush green fields, the college offers a healthy atmosphere - for learning and curricular activities.
But there are yet other important news. The Construction of 'Extension Block' at the Western side progressed with rapid strides, and the 1st floor of the building is now almost complete.