Jamini Roy College was founded in December, 1986 at Beliatore, a small town in the Bankura District of West Bengal. The College is affiliated to the University of Burdwan and is managed by a democratically constituted statutory Governing Body as per guideline of Higher Education Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal.
Beliatore is the birth place of the renowned artist Jamini Roy, who opened new vistas in Indian Painting by Combining Folk Art forms with the modern spirit of individualism and expeimentation. He is justly regarded one of the pioneers of Modern Art in India and it is a source of pride that the College is named after him.
The District of Bankura, Beliatore included, is a pat of an economically backward egion in the Subcontinent. This College was founded with the intention of making higher education accessible to the poor but meritorious students of thearea. Form its humble beginning in 1986, the College has now grown into an important institution by producing students who pass out with flying colours each year.
Lt. Dr. Kshudiram Das, an eminent scholar and Professor, many distinguished learned and common people and the neighbouring Institution, the Beliatore High (HS) School, have always extending their helping hands for the enhancement of the College.
At present the College conducts Honours Courses in Bengali, English, Sanskrit, History and Geography. In General Course the Elective Subjects are Political Science, Economics and Philosophy as well as the five Hons. subjects mentioned earlier.