Dumkal College, Basantapur was founded on 21st September, 1999 after the inspection of University of Kalyani (vide memo No. RPS/Aff.College/110/117/99 dated 24th June 1999) and by UGC (vide memo No. F.8-171/2000 (CPP.1) dated 11th July 2002) under section 2(1) 12 (B) of the UGC Act 1956- inclusion of new college and this college has received the permission for continuing its courses under bachelor degree as Non-Govt./ Govt. aided college and thus It is affiliated to the University of Kalyani since its inception.
The college starts its functioning with a handful of students initiating their classes in B.T. High School, Dumkal. However, today’s picture is one of complete transformations. It is a co-education college and it is the only institution within the locality which ran from the very beginning with all three streams-Arts, Science and Commerce.
Struggle is still there-but it is no more a simple struggle for survival rather a content Endeavour to attain excellence.