On the north greenery bank of Jalangi, attaching habitation of Bangaljhi, at a walking distance from Krishnanagar –Karimpur State High way, stands the college, Chapra Bangaljhi Mahavidyalaya. Its campus enlaces around five acres of land. Buildings of the college appear spearing a big athletic field in front. Canteen with separate cubiculum for girls, separate Students Union Office yonder to vast open stage inscribed on Lalan ,separate Library with spacious Reading Room, separate Common Rooms for Boys’ and Girls’ equipped with all indoor game arrangements, well furnished Guest Rooms and Conference Hall etc. constitute the build of the college.
The college offers studies in Honours Course in seven subjects, namely Bengali, English, Sanskrit, Philosophy, Geography, Pol.Science and History.

In General Course, excepting the Compulsory Subjects, Bengali, English, Sanskrit, Arabic, Geography, Education, Physical Education, Pol.Science, History, Sociology, Philosophy and Rural Economics & Management are offered for option of the students.
Studies in Post Graduate Course in Bengali, History, Environmental Studies, Education Geography and Political Science under the Directorate of Distance Education, Rabindra Bharati University are also going on.
Capacity of books in the Library is no less than satisfactory; apparatuses of Geography and Physical Education are also apprising. All round in-campus ambiance is attune with all aspects of education; here we wait to welcome the readers for generations.