Chandrakona was a fourishing place in the 2nd half of the 17th century and in valentijri map it appears as a large village on an unnamed river (the Silai) under the name of Sjandercona. According to tradition, Chandrakona was formerly called Mana & Was held in the eight cent1u'y A.D. by a Raja named Khaira. In the palmy days of Chandrakona, the town was divided in to may Bazars. It was once a well known centre weaving industry, Brass metal craft & Sangeet gharana. It has seen the Paik & Chuar rebellians. The former importance of the place is shown by several remains & old institutions.

Chandrakona was deprived of an institution of higher education & leaming since independence inspite of its rich potential feeder schools, thick population, socio economic demand, broad coverage of two panchayet Samities & three Municipalities.
The College was affliated in 13.09.1985 by the Vrdyasagar University as it first affliating college. It was enlisted u/s 2(f) & I2 (B) of the U.G.C. Act in 1994. The College is now running with full swing with the cordial helf of the people, university authority U.G.C. & Govt. of West Bengal.